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The Japanese spider crab is the biggest crab of the world. This is the world's largest species of marine crab which lives under water. This amazing animal's has the very big foot approximately 3.8 meter (12 ft). Its body can reach the length of 40 cm and the whole body of the crab can be the weight of 19 kilogram. These crabs are orange in color with white spot. Its chelipeds are shorter in compare with the other pair of legs. But the female chelipeds are smaller than the males. These giant spider crabs are generally found in ocean of Japan. They live in the depth of 150 - 300 meter. They also can migrate up to 50 meter during the breeding season. The Japanese spider crab are omnivore in nature. These crabs are generally live up to 100 years. But the population of these strange creatures are gradually decreasing.



This is the largest flying bird of the world. Dalmatian Pelican is the biggest species of the pelican family. So far it is known that it has no sub species. Its length is 5'3'' to 6' or 160cm to 183cm (9'3'' to 11'6'' or 290cm to 351 cm with wingspan. Its weight is approximately 9 to 15 kilogram. It has gray legs. These creatures are generally found to reside in lake, river, delta’s etc. They usually migrate very short distance during the breeding season. They generally feed fish. An adult pelican need 1200 gram of fish daily. Though the number of pelicans is decreasing, they are least concern.



The Flemish Giant rabbit is one of the largest species of the domestic rabbit. This is one of the oldest species of rabbit which was bred around the sixteenth century in Belgium. The body of a Flemish giant rabbit’s is powerful. Ralph is the world’s biggest rabbit. It is a 4 years old continental giant rabbit which is found in United Kingdom. It is just less than 55 pound. This gigantic rabbit can consume $90 worth of food in a week. The owner of the world’s heaviest rabbit is Pauline Grant.

Chinese Giant Salamander

The Chinese giant salamander is the world’s largest amphibian and salamander of the world. It can reach up to 5.9 ft (180 cm). The number of salamander is gradually decreasing due to the loss of accommodation. It has large head, eyes and dark wrinkle body. An average salamander weight can be 25 to 30 kg and length up to 3.7ft. They generally eat insects, small fish etc. Their eyesight is very poor. Female salamander can lay 500 eggs at a time and male protect them.

 Ostrich : The Largest Bird Of The World

 Ostrich is the world’s tallest bird. Its scientific name is Struthio Camelus. It is a flightless bird. Ostrich has long, white and bare neck. Male’s body is covered with black patches and there are white-tipped at their wings and tail. But female are of generally white and brown color. This bird can run very fast. Its height could reach 2.6 m and its weight could be 135 kg. Though they eat insect, they are mainly vegetarian. It eats grass, berries etc. They also eat lots of pebbles which help them to digest their food. The average width of the Ostrich egg is 5 inches and length is 6 inches and the weight is 3 pound. An egg takes 35 to 40 days to hatch. This species of birds is found in South Africa in plenty.


World’s Tallest  Animal : Giraffe


Undoubtedly Giraffe is the tallest animal of the Earth. An average male Giraffe can grow up to 18 feet tall and a female Giraffe can be 14 feet. But the most astonishing thing is that the baby Giraffe takes birth in the height of 14 feet. Moreover one thing is that calves can grow one inches a day.


THE ELEPHANT SEAL : world’s largest carnivore

The Southern elephant seal is the world’s largest seal and the world’s largest carnivores. Male carnivore is five to six-time heavier than the female. The males are 2200 to 4000 kilograms whereas the females are 500 to 800 kilograms. The males are 4.2 m to 5.8 m long while the female are 2.6 m to 3 m long.



George was the world’s tallest dog. The owner of the giant dog was David and Christine. After George’s death they told:

“It is with a heavy heart that we announce Giant George died on Thursday, October 17, 2013 ………George passed away peacefully surrounded by loved ones … We appreciate the love and support you have given Giant George over the last several years.”

Giant George was 43 inches tall from paw to shoulder and this dog was able to stand seven feet three inches tall from its back legs. It took the award of the world’s tallest dog which was declared by the Guinness World Record, in 2010.


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as Alpaca is a very strange animal. It is a domesticated animal of South American Camelid. There are two breeds of alpaca were alive - one Suri Alpac a and other was Huacaya Alpaca. This creature resembles like llama but these creatures are very small in appearance than llama. Alpaca’s fiber works like wool. this fiber is used to weave different sweater, blanket, bedding etc. An adult alpaca is generally reached the length of 81 to 99 cm and their weight generally fluctuate between 48 to 84 kg. Alpaca’s are social animal which live in group. Alpacas are very popular of making different kind of sound. The small alpacas made  ‘wark’ when they were in excited mood.